Friday, August 2, 2013

[sponsored review] fynale classic - florence red.

Time for the third pair of red lenses I received from the wonderful Fynale Cosmetic Lens!  Thank you for letting me try this series as well~  I recently had my car break down because the radiator was broken.  It overheated my car and I was so scared that the engine would be burnt.  So glad that nothing serious happen, but I was worrying over that so I didn't really tend to my blog here  :A;  Sorry, but I am back now with another review~

Brand: Fynale Classic
Series: Florence
B.C.: 8.6 mm
DIA: 14.5 mm
Water Content: 55%
Color: Red
$12.59 one pair
$11.34 two pairs
Facebook Shop Link

Without further ado, here are the pictures of the vials.
The top of the vials.  So happy I don't need prescription lenses, makes everything so much easier.
The side view of them.
It looks kind of pinkish held up to the light, but it has such a pretty design~
And this is what it looks like in the solution.
Here is the compilation of the lenses in different light settings.
A few seconds long video of the lenses.
[Please view in 1080p HD]
Three photos with me wearing them.

What I think about the lenses?
I really like the subtle design they have.  I feel like the Florence series was aimed more towards naturalness than the other two I have tried on so far.  They blend in a bit better, though they still do have that thick black limbal ring around it.
Comfort: 4/5
Mmm they were pretty comfortable overall, but for some reason, I was blinking a lot today.  Good thing is I can wear it for about 6-7 hours without any signs of extreme dryness.
Enlargement: 4.5/5
They weren't as big looking as my last review.  They were enlarging, but not extreme.  I think it's partially due to the fact these lenses look a bit more natural than the other red lenses I've reviewed so far.
Color: 4.5/5
The color was still very vibrant for this series, but since it blended in a more with my eyes, which is a dark brown, the lenses came out more of a dark red.  It's still very pretty but under dark settings it might even could be mistook for dark brown, okay, maybe not that bad, but the point is they aren't a bright red.


  1. wow cute circle lenses and you are sooo beautiful *_* your blog is very lovely and interesting. im glad if you visit my blog, too <3 keep in touch!


    1. Thank you so much~ >3<
      And of course I'll give your bloga visit!


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